How to find the best med spa in Denver?

Raw Rituale started in the heart of Cherry Creek where there is quite literally a med spa on just about every corner. With so many med spas and talented estheticians in Denver, how do you find the best place for you and your needs? Well, let me pull back the curtain and hopefully help provide some industry insight to guide you. Whether that’s at Raw Rituale, or elsewhere, here’s some food for thought.


To start, I think this can be simplified into considering three factors – money, meticulousness, and motivation.


Let’s talk about money because we all know how expensive treatments can be and it’s a big factor in what types of treatments you should consider. First ask yourself, “what are my goals?”

If you don’t have any major pigment, acne, or loose skin and just want to focus on getting monthly facials, you might not need a medical spa. A med spa is typically going to focus more on correction and take that seriously with more aggressive treatments, that also tend to cost more. If you do have bigger, more aggressive goals, the cost can still definitely be a factor.


Here’s what I’ve learned from growing Raw Rituale, befriending our community of estheticians, and interviewing candidates – degree of experience can be equal to what you are paying as a client. While this is not always the case, in general, a more corporate, or heavily monthly discounted med spa can tend to attract estheticians fresh out of school and pay based on a lower hourly rate. If experienced staff is high on your list, you may want to shop around and consider a more boutique med spa with laser technicians who have had several years of experience. Experienced laser technicians expect to get paid a premium, as they should, and thus the company itself will most likely charge a bit more.  


Experience does matter, especially in this industry. Even after all of these years, skin never stops surprising me because we are all unique, and skin is so much more complicated than what’s at the surface. You can do the same treatment the exact same way 2,000 times and there can always be that one person who has a unique reaction. With lots of time and experience you simply start to see the small nuances and become so much better at predicting what treatment will be best for certain skin types, how to mitigate reactions, what products work best, what combination of treatments are magical, laser settings, managing client expectations, AND avoiding those mistakes we all made early on in our career.


Secondly, let’s consider how meticulous you are personally because a big part of the treatment is the technician who’s about to do something with YOUR FACE! I will admit to you, myself, and my therapist that I am extremely picky with just about everything. From how clean my house is, and how objects are arranged on a shelf, to making sure every single hair is removed in a dermaplane. Our entire team also shares this attention to detail – you could probably even call it OCD.  This leads me to another point when shopping around. The same treatment may not be the same med-spa to med-spa based on how meticulous the staff are.

At Raw Rituale, I hire and train with diligence at the top of our list. This can be something as simple as using a magnifying lamp to ensure each of those hairs is removed with that dermaplane to pulse counts on lasers.


Pulse count and settings matter tremendously when it comes to more aggressive laser treatments. Let’s take Tixel for example. Tixel works by stamping the skin with a very hot plate consisting of 81 pyramids. Each stamp will apply controlled trauma to the skin and thus the more you overlap the stamps, and the more stamps there are, there better and deeper your results will be. We’ve had clients receive Tixel elsewhere and after having a treatment at Raw Rituale mention what a different experience it was. They received more thorough coverage, thus more lifting and tightening.

Whether it’s Tixel, AdvaTX, or even simply microneedling, we strive to focus on being painstakingly particular. This isn’t meant to brag and say we’re the best but to educate you on how this world works. No ego amigo here. So if this level of attention is important to you and you are shopping around for practitioners do not be afraid to ask them what settings they use and pulses.


Finally, how motivated are you to work on your goals and stick with them? Skin is like working out your body. To get, or stay, in shape, you have to diet and exercise consistently. This means we cannot work miracles and change 50 years of aging in one treatment. I am so sorry, but no esthetician is a miracle worker. If you are looking for a high-impact treatment once a year, they do exist, but it’ll typically always be a series - so hunker in.


If you want to invest in the health of your skin and keep up the results, you’ll want to find a practice that has a variety of tools on hand. You can only go so far with monthly facials and microneedling.


As we age, we typically need lasers or needles involved to counteract Mother Nature. I think it’s valuable to have that long-term relationship with anyone on your glam squad because they will know your skin (and entire life) so well, that they can then reach for a multitude of equipment to tackle any skin condition you have.


If you are struggling with acne, melasma, or any other chronic skin condition, these can only be controlled, never fully cured so it will be a commitment to keep it up. THE BEST part of our job is watching not only skin and bodies transform but also the confidence that comes with it. Many times even your goals will change. We may start by addressing acne and then switch to addressing the scarring. Or we may start with pigment and then want to focus on a crepey neck. Finding a med spa in Denver with a variety of services will keep your goals on track.


Do your research and start with a consultation. It’s a great way to see if there is a personal connection with your provider,  understand what treatment plan they would recommend for your goals, talk about your budget, and ask questions!


If you’d like to chat with us, we’d be honored to help with your journey.


