Laser Hair Removal

What it treats

If unwanted body hair is stopping you from looking and feeling your best, laser hair removal may be right for you. Laser hair removal uses precise intense pulsed light (IPL) energy to permanently damage hair follicles and thus inhibit hair growth. An alternative to painful and time-consuming hair removal methods, laser hair removal is safe and cost-effective. Say goodbye to plucking, waxing, and shaving!

Raw Rituale carries the Venus Versa, one of the most modern laser systems on the market, too safely and effectively remove hair on various body areas for smoother and silkier skin for any part of the body, or face.

How it works

Laser hair removal works by using intense pulsed light to permanently destroy hair follicles. The heat produced by the IPL is absorbed by hair follicles in the active growth phase but it does not affect follicles in the dormant phase. For that reason, multiple sessions are needed to destroy all hair follicles in the treatment area. Thanks to the precision of the device, the surrounding skin is left untouched and undamaged.

Depending on the treatment area, your treatment session can take anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes. Treatment is not painful thanks to Venus Versa’s built-in cooling feature that keeps skin comfortable at all times. Most people feel only a slight sensation during treatment, like the feeling of a warm rubber band snapping against the skin.

You’ll likely need 6-10 treatments per area. Hair grows in different stages and at different rates for everyone, so it depends again on each individual person and the area being treated.


There is no downtime; you can resume your normal activities immediately after your treatment. The treatment area may be slightly red, which is temporary and should subside within a few days. Sun exposure will need to be avoided for the first few days and sunscreen should be applied whenever outdoors


Small Area

(Package of 6 | $765 per area)

Chin | $150

Lip | $150

Underarms | $150

Medium Area

(Package of 6 | $1,275 per area)

Bikini Line | $250

Brazilian Bikini | $250

Chest | $250

1/2 Arm | $250

Large Area

(Package of 6 | $1,785 per area)

Full Arm | $350

Half Leg | $350

Back | $350

XLarge Area

(Package of 6 | $2,295 per area)

Full Leg | $450

If you’re looking for a Denver Laser Hair Removal Specialist, look no further than Raw Rituale. Located in Denver’s gorgeous Hilltop neighborhood.