IPL photo facial

What it treats

Have you started noticing small brown spots on your skin? If so, you’re not alone. IPL is great for treating “reds and browns” on the face, hands, arms and decollate. It treats sun damage, brown spots, hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea, spider veins and broken capillaries. In addition to treating these individual spots and colors, it really helps to achieve overall better looking skin. Yes, please!

The immediate result comes with the decrease in discoloration, but the long term “maintenance” result in getting IPL regularly is that it really helps to keep the skin looking younger and healthy, help promote collagen growth, prevent effects of sun damage, and give the skin that healthy glow.

How it works

Venus Concept's IPL treatment is a simple, non-surgical way to effectively target pigment under the skin's surface to reduce the appearance of discoloration and premature aging. With an IPL photofacial, you can achieve noticeably brighter, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin. All it takes is a few quick treatments, each of which lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and fits easily into your busy schedule or even on a lunch break.


There is minimal discomfort and typically only some redness for about a day afterward while pigment may darken into a ‘coffee ground’ look up to 7 days post. Followed by pigment magically flaking off.


Face | $350

Face + Neck | $400

Face + Neck + Chest | $450

Chest | $350

Hands | $150

Forearms or Upper Arms | $350

Full Arms | $450

Back | $600

If you’re looking for a Denver IPL Laser Specialist, look no further than Raw Rituale. Located in the heart of Cherry Creek North with complimentary parking.