Sentient Body Sculpt

What it does

If you’re looking for non-surgical fat and cellulite reduction, the Sentient Sculpt is the latest generation system in dermatology and medical aesthetics to reduce localized adiposities (fat tissue), cellulite and tighten the skin - particularly the tummy, love handles, arms, saddlebags, thighs, and knees.

We LOVE Sculpt because it does what CoolSculpt, RF body contouring, and QWO can NOT do. Each of these treatments alone targets only one part of body contouring. CoolSculpt will target fat but does little to nothing for skin tightening so you can be left with saggy tissue. RF contouring does a better job at skin tightening and smoothing but not permanent fat removal. While QWO only focuses on dimples.

Sentient Sculpt offers fat removal through lipolysis (like CoolSculpt), skin tightening (like RF body contouring) and smoothes out cellulite (like QWO) but without the pain, risk or needles.

Welcome to the next generation of body-sculpting devices.

How it Acts on Cells and Metabolism

The treatment is highly effective on stubborn fat pockets around the body. It cleverly targets fat adipose cells, while leaving the surrounding tissue intact. The cool wave energy also stimulates cellular metabolic processes and collagen production.

FAT REMOVAL: It penetrates deeply into the fat layer, demolishing the cell membranes of subcutaneous adipose cells and actively dissolving localized fat deposits. The fat is then eliminated by natural cellular metabolism (lipolysis).

CELLULITE REDUCTION: It stimulates the connective tissues surrounding the adipose lobules of the cellulite, diminishing the “orange peel” effect.

SKIN TIGHTENING: It causes the contraction of collagen fibers in the dermis, stimulating the production of new collagen which in turn tightens and tones the body.

This body sculpting treatment is not a weight-loss treatment, but it is designed for adults with stubborn excess fats, loose skin, or with resistant cellulite.

Safety and Wellness

The mechanism of action is deep and targeted and does not damage the skin or surrounding tissues. It emits microwaves at precisely 2.45 GHz, a level at which is only absorbed by fat adipose cells. At the same time, the treatment emits radiofrequency waves to disperse energy at the superficially dermal and epidermal levels. 

The treatment is highly effective and comfortable, as only 20% of the energy goes to the dermis (the heat produced is counterbalanced by a cooling system). The remaining 80% penetrates into the fat.

The treatment comes with a skin cooling system that is activated upon contact with your skin. Cooling the skin during treatment, it creates a counterbalance to the heat emitted by the microwaves at deeper levels. The skin is hence protected and preserved, ensuring your comfort and reducing potential side effects such as burns or inflammation.

What areas can be treated with Sentient Sculpt?

This treatment is particularly effective on stubborn areas of fat on the stomach, love handles, thighs, saddlebags, knees, back, flanks and upper arms. We can also target cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and arms. 

Is the treatment painful?

Not at all. Most people feel a gentle warmth under the skin with a feeling of coolness on the skin itself. The treated area remains warm for a few hours afterward.

How long does a treatment take?

Each treatment covers a 15x15cm area and takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes. It is possible to have multiple (up to 8 15x15cm) areas treated in each session.

Are there any side effects?

Mild side effects include itching, numbness, hardness, warmth, tenderness, redness and swelling. Less commonly, it is possible to develop mild bruising, nodules or blisters at the treatment area, which are usually transient and resolve within a few days after the treatment. 

Are there any contraindications?

Unfortunately, people with the following conditions are not suitable for this treatment:

  • Pregnancy

  • Heart failure

  • Metal implants or pacemakers

  • Severe clotting disorders

  • Organ transplants

  • Current or recent cancer

  • Severe vascular disease

  • Skin disease in the treatment area

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

Will this help me lose weight?

If only it were that easy! Sentient Sculpt is a body-sculpting system that is designed for localized areas of stubborn fat and cellulite in people whose BMI is less than 30. Unfortunately, it is not a weight-loss treatment. It can, however, be used in conjunction with your healthy diet and exercise plan to optimize results.

Are there any pre-treatment instructions?

To get the best results from your Sentient Sculpt treatment, we advise that you avoid any moisturizer or emollient on the treatment area for 48 hours prior to each session. If the skin is dry, it allows for easier passage of the cool waves through to the target subdermal fat layer.

We also suggest prepping the tissue with Alastins’ Body Transform (sold online or at Raw Rituale). Body Transfrom includes TriHex Technology® to support the production of new, healthy elastin and collagen. When used to complement body-sculpting treatments, the peptides in the patented LipoDRONE™ delivery system help you achieve the appearance of even firmer, more toned skin on the body, giving you better results!

To assist with lymphatic drainage, you should drink an additional liter of water per day on your treatment day, and on the day before and after treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

The recommended number of treatments to see long-lasting results is 3 - 5 sessions, although it is possible to have more (or less) than this if needed.

How often should I have my treatments?

At Raw Rituale, we recommend treatments according to each individual's concerns and goals but are generally 3 -6 weeks apart. To get a detailed assessment of the treatment course best suited for you, it is best to make an appointment with our experts for an in-depth consultation. 

When will I see the results?

For some patients, results are visible 30 days from the 1st session. However, it is more common to start seeing results after the 2nd or 3rd session.


Pricing is based on areas. Each area includes TWO 6” squares - since we have two sides! For example, one area would cover most inner thighs, two areas would cover most inner thighs and saddlebags.

You can treat up to four areas in one appointment and can save by purchasing packages to treat multiple areas. For example, a 6 pack will allow TWO areas to be treated THREE times each.

1 treatment | $600

3 treatments | $1,650 ($550 each)

6 treatments | $3,000 ($500 each)

9 treatments | $4,050 ($450 each)

12 treatments | $4,800 ($400 each)

If you’re looking for a Denver Body Contouring, Denver Cellulite, Denver Non-surgical Fat Removal, Denver Non-surgical Liposuction, Laser Specialist, look no further than Raw Rituale. Located in the heart of Cherry Creek North with complimentary parking.